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Kotlinwind CSS

Kotlin Maven Central Version Tests


Kotlinwind CSS is a Kotlin library that enhances your experience with kotlinx.html by providing a more Kotlin-centric approach to styling HTML. Inspired by Tailwind CSS, this library allows you to apply CSS styles directly within your HTML-building code, utilizing Kotlin's type-safe, declarative syntax through a Kotlin DSL (Domain-Specific Language).



Code Preview

Kotlinwind CSS Code Resulting HTML
Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 13 00 49 Screenshot 2024-08-17 at 10 56 55


Kotlinwind CSS is built for developers who prefer a Kotlin-native way of styling HTML. By leveraging Kotlin's type-safe, declarative DSL and drawing inspiration from the utility-first approach of Tailwind CSS, this library eliminates the need for traditional CSS files and provides a more cohesive development experience within Kotlin projects.

Getting Started

To start using Kotlinwind CSS in your project, add the following dependency to your build.gradle.kts file:


Replace {VERSION} with the latest version available on Maven Central.


For detailed usage instructions and examples, visit the Wiki.


Currently, Kotlinwind CSS supports only inline styles. Future versions will introduce support for external stylesheets and CSS classes.



Interactivity is not a priority at this stage, as starting with a JS/TS framework may be more beneficial for projects requiring dynamic behavior.

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