
A standalone runtime for WebAssembly

A Bytecode Alliance project

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The Wasmtime CLI can be installed on Linux and macOS (locally) with a small install script:

curl https://wasmtime.dev/install.sh -sSf | bash

This script installs into $WASMTIME_HOME (defaults to $HOME/.wasmtime), and executable is placed in $WASMTIME_HOME/bin.

Windows or otherwise interested users can download installers and binaries directly from the GitHub Releases page.


If you've got the Rust compiler installed then you can take some Rust source code:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

and compile/run it with:

$ rustup target add wasm32-wasip1
$ rustc hello.rs --target wasm32-wasip1
$ wasmtime hello.wasm
Hello, world!

(Note: make sure you installed Rust using the rustup method in the official instructions above, and do not have a copy of the Rust toolchain installed on your system in some other way as well (e.g. the system package manager). Otherwise, the rustup target add... command may not install the target for the correct copy of Rust.)


Language Support

You can use Wasmtime from a variety of different languages through embeddings of the implementation.

Languages supported by the Bytecode Alliance:

Languages supported by the community:


📚 Read the Wasmtime guide here! 📚

The wasmtime guide is the best starting point to learn about what Wasmtime can do for you or help answer your questions about Wasmtime. If you're curious in contributing to Wasmtime, it can also help you do that!

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