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EasyMock is a Java library that provides an easy way to use Mock Objects in unit testing.

You can find the website and user documentation at http://easymock.org.

Developer information

Build status

Build Status Maven Central

Environment setup

I'm using:

You can also use Eclipse. I tried

To configure your local workspace:

To build EasyMock with Maven

There are three different levels of build.

Build without any active profile

It is a basic compilation of the application.

mvn install

Full build

This build will check code coverage using Jacoco, run spotbugs and validate that the license headers are correctly set.

mvn install -PfullBuild

Deploy build

This is the build to launch to deploy to the surefire repository. It assembles the application and add the gpg checksum. You will usually launch it on top of the full build.

The command line will ask you to give the passphrase for the gpg private key.

mvn install -PdeployBuild

To compile EasyMock in Eclipse

To compile EasyMock in IntelliJ

To update the versions

Configure to deploy to Maven Central repository


To build the maven site (with spotbugs, checkstyle, jdepends and JavaNCSS reports)

To check dependencies and plugins versions

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates versions:display-plugin-updates -Pall

To download the sources associated to our dependencies

mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=sources

To update the license

mvn validate license:format -Pall

To upgrade the Maven wrapper

mvn wrapper:wrapper

To run Sonar

mvn clean org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:prepare-agent test sonar:sonar


To bundle EasyMock and deploy

In case of a failure during the build before the deployment, do mvn versions:commit -Pall and start over.

If something was staged in Maven Central, you can drop the staging repository with mvn nexus-staging:drop.

Deploy the website

Start next version

In local:

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=X.Z-SNAPSHOT -Pall
mvn versions:commit -Pall

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