phploc is a tool for quickly measuring the size of a PHP project.


This tool is distributed as a PHP Archive (PHAR):

$ wget

$ php phploc.phar --version

Using Phive is the recommended way for managing the tool dependencies of your project:

$ phive install phploc

$ ./tools/phploc --version

It is not recommended to use Composer to download and install this tool.

Usage Example

$ php phploc.phar src
phploc 8.0-dev by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories:                                        104
Files:                                              856

Lines of Code (LOC):                             67,955
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC):                    19,533 (28.74%)
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC):               48,422 (71.26%)
Logical Lines of Code (LLOC):                    18,478 (27.19%)

Classes or Traits                                   662
  Methods                                         3,389
    Cyclomatic Complexity
      Lowest                                       1.00
      Average                                      2.00
      Highest                                    156.00

Functions                                           185
  Cyclomatic Complexity
    Lowest                                         1.00
    Average                                        1.00
    Highest                                        1.00


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