Apache Commons Statistics

Java CI Coverage Status Maven Central Quality Gate Status

The Apache Commons Statistics project provides tools for statistics.


More information can be found on the Apache Commons Statistics homepage. The Javadoc for each of the modules can be browsed:

Questions related to the usage of Apache Commons Statistics should be posted to the user mailing list.

Getting the latest release

You can download source and binaries from our download page.

Alternatively, you can pull it from the central Maven repositories, for example:



Building requires a Java JDK and Apache Maven. The required Java version is found in the pom.xml as the maven.compiler.source property.

From a command shell, run mvn without arguments to invoke the default Maven goal to run all tests and checks.


We accept Pull Requests via GitHub. The developer mailing list is the main channel of communication for contributors. There are some guidelines which will make applying PRs easier for us:

If you plan to contribute on a regular basis, please consider filing a contributor license agreement. You can learn more about contributing via GitHub in our contribution guidelines.


This code is licensed under the Apache License v2.

See the NOTICE file for required notices and attributions.


You like Apache Commons Statistics? Then donate back to the ASF to support development.

Additional Resources

Apache Commons Components

Please see the list of components

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