Joda-Money provides a library of classes to store amounts of money.
Joda-Money does not provide, nor is it intended to provide, monetary algorithms beyond the most basic and obvious. This is because the requirements for these algorithms vary widely between domains. This library is intended to act as the base layer, providing classes that should be in the JDK.
As a flavour of Joda-Money, here's some example code:
// create a monetary value
Money money = Money.parse("USD 23.87");
// add another amount with safe double conversion
CurrencyUnit usd = CurrencyUnit.of("USD");
money =, 12.43d));
// subtracts an amount in dollars
money = money.minusMajor(2);
// multiplies by 3.5 with rounding
money = money.multipliedBy(3.5d, RoundingMode.DOWN);
// compare two amounts
boolean bigAmount = money.isGreaterThan(dailyWage);
// convert to GBP using a supplied rate
BigDecimal conversionRate = ...; // obtained from code outside Joda-Money
Money moneyGBP = money.convertedTo(CurrencyUnit.GBP, conversionRate, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
// use a BigMoney for more complex calculations where scale matters
BigMoney moneyCalc = money.toBigMoney();
Users are reminded that this software, like all open source software, is provided on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND.
Joda-Money is licensed under the business-friendly Apache 2.0 licence.
Various documentation is available:
- The home page
- The helpful user guide
- The Javadoc
- The change notes for the releases
The 2.x branch is compatible with Java SE 21 or later.
The 1.x branch is compatible with Java SE 8 or later.
v2.x releases are compatible with v1.x releases - except for the Java SE version and module-info.class
Joda-Money has no mandatory dependencies. There is a compile-time dependency on Joda-Convert, but this is not required at runtime thanks to the magic of annotations.
Available in the Maven Central repository
For enterprise
Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription.
Joda and the maintainers of thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver one enterprise subscription that covers all of the open source you use.
If you want the flexibility of open source and the confidence of commercial-grade software, this is for you.
Please use Stack Overflow for general usage questions. GitHub issues and pull requests should be used when you want to help advance the project.
Any donations to support the project are accepted via OpenCollective.
To report a security vulnerability, please use the Tidelift security contact. Tidelift will coordinate the fix and disclosure.
Release process
- Update version (, changes.xml)
- Commit and push
git push origin HEAD:refs/tags/release
- Code and Website will be built and released by GitHub Actions
Release from local:
- Turn off gpg "bc" signer
mvn clean release:clean release:prepare release:perform