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Release version

A fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API

Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.

Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.

Build status

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RapidJSON is a JSON parser and generator for C++. It was inspired by RapidXml.

More features can be read here.

JSON(JavaScript Object Notation) is a light-weight data exchange format. RapidJSON should be in full compliance with RFC7159/ECMA-404, with optional support of relaxed syntax. More information about JSON can be obtained at

Highlights in v1.1 (2016-8-25)

For other changes please refer to change log.


RapidJSON is cross-platform. Some platform/compiler combinations which have been tested are shown as follows.

Users can build and run the unit tests on their platform/compiler.


RapidJSON is a header-only C++ library. Just copy the include/rapidjson folder to system or project's include path.

Alternatively, if you are using the vcpkg dependency manager you can download and install rapidjson with CMake integration in a single command:

RapidJSON uses following software as its dependencies:

To generate user documentation and run tests please proceed with the steps below:

  1. Execute git submodule update --init to get the files of thirdparty submodules (google test).
  2. Create directory called build in rapidjson source directory.
  3. Change to build directory and run cmake .. command to configure your build. Windows users can do the same with cmake-gui application.
  4. On Windows, build the solution found in the build directory. On Linux, run make from the build directory.

On successful build you will find compiled test and example binaries in bin directory. The generated documentation will be available in doc/html directory of the build tree. To run tests after finished build please run make test or ctest from your build tree. You can get detailed output using ctest -V command.

It is possible to install library system-wide by running make install command from the build tree with administrative privileges. This will install all files according to system preferences. Once RapidJSON is installed, it is possible to use it from other CMake projects by adding find_package(RapidJSON) line to your CMakeLists.txt.

Usage at a glance

This simple example parses a JSON string into a document (DOM), make a simple modification of the DOM, and finally stringify the DOM to a JSON string.

// rapidjson/example/simpledom/simpledom.cpp`
#include "rapidjson/document.h"
#include "rapidjson/writer.h"
#include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace rapidjson;

int main() {
    // 1. Parse a JSON string into DOM.
    const char* json = "{\"project\":\"rapidjson\",\"stars\":10}";
    Document d;

    // 2. Modify it by DOM.
    Value& s = d["stars"];
    s.SetInt(s.GetInt() + 1);

    // 3. Stringify the DOM
    StringBuffer buffer;
    Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);

    // Output {"project":"rapidjson","stars":11}
    std::cout << buffer.GetString() << std::endl;
    return 0;

Note that this example did not handle potential errors.

The following diagram shows the process.


More examples are available:


RapidJSON welcomes contributions. When contributing, please follow the code below.


Feel free to submit issues and enhancement requests.

Please help us by providing minimal reproducible examples, because source code is easier to let other people understand what happens. For crash problems on certain platforms, please bring stack dump content with the detail of the OS, compiler, etc.

Please try breakpoint debugging first, tell us what you found, see if we can start exploring based on more information been prepared.


In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow.

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Checkout a new branch on your fork, start developing on the branch
  4. Test the change before commit, Make sure the changes pass all the tests, including unittest and preftest, please add test case for each new feature or bug-fix if needed.
  5. Commit changes to your own branch
  6. Push your work back up to your fork
  7. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!

You can copy and paste the license summary from below.

Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making RapidJSON available.

Copyright (C) 2015 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company, and Milo Yip.

Licensed under the MIT License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed 
under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR 
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 
specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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