A Few Matchers for Hamcrest
More details are here: matchers.jcabi.com. Also, read this blog post: XML/XPath Matchers for Hamcrest.
First, you add this to your pom.xml
The library contains a collection of convenient Hamcrest matchers:
import com.jcabi.matchers.XhtmlMatchers;
import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
To match XHTML documents you need to specify namespaces in your XPath expressions:
"<!DOCTYPE html><html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml'><body>Hello, world!</body></html>",
XhtmlMatchers.hasXPath("/xhtml:html/xhtml:body[.='Hello, world!']")
Here, we use xhtml
predefined namespace. There are also
, xs
, xsi
, and svg
provided off-the-shelf. However, you can define your own too, for example:
"<foo xmlns='my-own-namespace'><bar/></foo>",
XhtmlMatchers.hasXPath("/ns1:foo/ns1:bar", "my-own-namespace")
Here, my-own-namespace
is called ns1
inside the XPath expression.
How to contribute?
Fork the repository, make changes, submit a pull request.
We promise to review your changes same day and apply to
the master
branch, if they look correct.
Please run Maven build before submitting a pull request:
mvn clean install -Pqulice