MessagePack for Java
MessagePack is a binary serialization format. If you need a fast and compact alternative of JSON, MessagePack is your friend. For example, a small integer can be encoded in a single byte, and short strings only need a single byte prefix + the original byte array. MessagePack implementation is already available in various languages (See also the list in and works as a universal data format.
- Message Pack specification:
MessagePack v7 (or later) is a faster implementation of the previous version v06, and supports all of the message pack types, including extension format.
JavaDoc is available at
Quick Start
For Maven users:
For sbt users:
libraryDependencies += "org.msgpack" % "msgpack-core" % "(version)"
For gradle users:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.msgpack:msgpack-core:(version)'
Java 17 Support
For using DirectByteBuffer (off-heap memory access methods) in JDK17, you need to specify two JVM options:
Integration with Jackson ObjectMapper (jackson-databind)
msgpack-java supports serialization and deserialization of Java objects through jackson-databind. For details, see msgpack-jackson/ The template-based serialization mechanism used in v06 is deprecated.
For MessagePack Developers 
msgpack-java uses sbt for building the projects. For the basic usage of sbt, see:
Coding style
- msgpack-java uses the same coding style with Facebook Presto
- IntelliJ setting file
Basic sbt commands
Enter the sbt console:
$ ./sbt
Here is a list of sbt commands for daily development:
> ~compile # Compile source codes
> ~test:compile # Compile both source and test codes
> ~test # Run tests upon source code change
> ~testOnly *MessagePackTest # Run tests in the specified class
> ~testOnly *MessagePackTest -- (pattern) # Run tests matching the pattern
> project msgpack-core # Focus on a specific project
> package # Create a jar file in the target folder of each project
> jcheckStyle # Run check style
> scalafmtAll # Reformat code
> publishLocal # Install to local .ivy2 repository
> publishM2 # Install to local .m2 Maven repository
> publish # Publishing a snapshot version to the Sonatype repository
Publish to Sonatype (Maven Central)
To publish a new version, add a new git tag and push it to GitHub. GitHub Action will deploy a new release version to Maven Central (Sonatype).
$ git tag v0.x.y
$ git push origin v0.x.y
A new release note will be generated automatically at the GitHub Releases page.
Publishing to Sonatype from Local Machine
If you need to publish to Maven central using a local machine, you need to configure sbt-sonatype plugin. First set Sonatype account information (user name and password) in the global sbt settings. To protect your password, never include this file in your project.
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
"(Sonatype user name)",
"(Sonatype password)")
You may also need to configure GPG. See the instruction in sbt-pgp.
Then, run publishedSigned
followed by sonatypeBundleRelease
# [optional] When you need to perform the individual release steps manually, use the following commands:
> publishSigned # Publish GPG signed artifacts to the Sonatype repository
> sonatypeBundleRelease # Publish to the Maven Central (It will be synched within less than 4 hours)
If some sporadic error happens (e.g., Sonatype timeout), rerun sonatypeBundleRelease
Project Structure
msgpack-core # Contains packer/unpacker implementation that never uses third-party libraries
msgpack-jackson # Contains jackson-dataformat-java implementation