WooCommerce Monorepo


Welcome to the WooCommerce Monorepo on GitHub. Here you can find all of the plugins, packages, and tools used in the development of the core WooCommerce plugin as well as WooCommerce extensions. You can browse the source, look at open issues, contribute code, and keep tracking of ongoing development.

We recommend all developers to follow the WooCommerce development blog to stay up to date about everything happening in the project. You can also follow @DevelopWC on Twitter for the latest development updates.

Getting Started

To get up and running within the WooCommerce Monorepo, you will need to make sure that you have installed all of the prerequisites.


Note: A POSIX compliant operating system (e.g., Linux, macOS) is assumed. If you're working on a Windows machine, the recommended approach is to use WSL (available since Windows 10).

Once you've installed all of the prerequisites, the following will prepare all of the build outputs necessary for development:

# Ensure that correct version of Node is installed and being used
nvm install
# Install the PHP and Composer dependencies for all of the plugins, packages, and tools
pnpm install -frozen-lockfile
# Build all of the plugins, packages, and tools in the monorepo
pnpm build

Repository Structure

Each plugin, package, and tool has its own package.json file containing project-specific dependencies and scripts. Most projects also contain a README.md file with any project-specific setup instructions and documentation.

If you'd like to learn more about how our monorepo works, please check out this guide here.

Reporting Security Issues

To disclose a security issue to our team, please submit a report via HackerOne here.


This repository is not suitable for support. Please don't use our issue tracker for support requests, but for core WooCommerce issues only. Support can take place through the appropriate channels:

NOTE: Unfortunately, we are unable to honor support requests in issues on this repository; as a result, any requests submitted in this manner will be closed.


For peer to peer support, real-time announcements, and office hours, please join our slack community!

Contributing to WooCommerce

As an open source project, we rely on community contributions to continue to improve WooCommerce. To contribute, please follow the pre-requisites above and visit our Contributing to Woo doc for more links and contribution guidelines.

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