Fork of JSch-0.1.55

See original README

GitHub release Maven Central Java CI with Maven

Why should you use this library?

As I explained in a blog post the main points are:

How to you use this library as a replacement for com.jcraft:jsch

Make sure, that you only have one jsch dependency on your classpath. For example you can check the output of mvn dependency:tree.

by replacing a direct maven dependency





by replacing jsch as a transitive maven dependency

When you have an artifact foo:bar, which contains com.jcraft:jsch as a transitive dependency, you need to add com.github.mwiede:jsch as another dependency and exclude the jcraft one:


Addition: You can further exclude any of com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.jsch, com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.core or com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.pageant, because these modules where integrated in this fork (see release notes of 0.1.66).


Which is the minimum Java version required?

Are ssh-ed25519, ssh-ed448, curve25519-sha256, curve448-sha512 & supported?

Why do ssh-rsa type keys not work with this JSch fork and my server?

Is this fork 100% compatible with original JSch, because the connection to my server does not work any more!

Changes since fork:



...and unlock some superpowers


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