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If you love using React Native Awesome Gallery and would like to show your appreciation, you can support the project by buying me a coffee. Your support helps me keep the project alive and continuously improving. Every little bit counts!

React Native Awesome Gallery

Photos gallery powered by Reanimated v3 and react-native-gesture-handler

Basic usage

With toolbar


Gallery basic usage Gallery with toolbar Gallery loop

Supported features


Note: Starting from v0.3.6 using Reanimated v3 is required

First you have to follow installation instructions of Reanimated v3 and react-native-gesture-handler

yarn add react-native-awesome-gallery

Expo is supported since SDK 40. More information here


Check out an example folder for example with Expo Image

import Gallery from 'react-native-awesome-gallery';

// ...

const images = ['https://image1', 'https://image2'];

return (
    onIndexChange={(newIndex) => {


Prop Description Type Default
data Array of items to render T[] undefined
renderItem? Callback func which can be used to render custom image component, e.g FastImage. NOTE: You have to call setImageDimensions({width, height}) parameter after image is loaded (renderItemInfo: {item: T, index: number, setImageDimensions: Function}) => React.ReactElement undefined
keyExtractor? Callback func which provides unique keys for items (item: T, index: number) => string or number Takes id or key or _id from Item, otherwise puts Item as key
initialIndex? The initial image index number 0
onIndexChange? Is called when index of active item is changed (newIndex: number) => void undefined
numToRender? Amount of items rendered in gallery simultaneously number 5
emptySpaceWidth? Width of empty space between items number 30
doubleTapScale? Image scale when double tap is fired number 3
doubleTapInterval? Time in milliseconds between single and double tap events number 500
maxScale? Maximum scale user can set with gesture number 6
pinchEnabled? Is pinch gesture enabled boolean true
swipeEnabled? Is pan gesture enabled boolean true
doubleTapEnabled? Is double tap enabled boolean true
disableTransitionOnScaledImage? Disables transition to next/previous image when scale > 1 boolean false
hideAdjacentImagesOnScaledImage? Hides next and previous images when scale > 1 boolean false
disableVerticalSwipe? Disables vertical swipe when scale == 1 boolean false
disableSwipeUp? Disables swipe up when scale == 1 boolean false
loop? Allows user to swipe infinitely. Works when data.length > 1 boolean false
onScaleChange? Is called when scale is changed (scale: number) => void undefined
onScaleChangeRange? Shows range of scale in which onScaleChange is called {start: number, end: number} undefined
containerDimensions? Dimensions object for the View that wraps gallery. {width: number, height: number} value returned from useWindowDimensions() hook.
style? Style of container ViewStyle undefined


Prop Description Type
onSwipeToClose() Fired when user swiped to top/bottom Function
onTranslationYChange(translationY: number, shouldClose: boolean) 'worklet'; Fired when user is swiping vertically to close the gallery Worklet
onTap() Fired when user tap on image Function
onDoubleTap(toScale: number) Fired when user double tap on image Function
onLongPress() Fired when long press is detected Function
onScaleStart(scale: number) Fired when pinch gesture starts Function
onScaleEnd(scale: number) Fired when pinch gesture ends. Use case: add haptic feedback when user finished gesture with scale > maxScale or scale < 1 Function
onPanStart() Fired when pan gesture starts Function


import Gallery, { GalleryRef } from 'react-native-awesome-gallery';

// ...

const ref = useRef<GalleryRef>(null);
Prop Description Type
setIndex Sets active index (newIndex: number, animated?: boolean) => void
reset Resets scale, translation (animated?: boolean) => void




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