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The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin backed by Kotlinx Coroutines.


From 3.x onwards, we are using main as our new base branch. If you are finding the old version 2.x, please take a look at our old branch.


For release version


Quick Start

use the any http method suspend function:

runBlocking {
    val string: String = Fuel.get("https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt").body.string()

runBlocking {
    val string: String = "https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt".httpGet().body.string()

runBlocking {
    val fuel = FuelBuilder().build()
    val string: String = fuel.get(request = { url = "https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt" }).body.string()

Custom Configuration

JVM uses OkHttpClient configurations

val fuel = FuelBuilder().config(OKHttpClient()).build()
val string = fuel.get(request = { url = "https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt" }).body.string()

Apple uses NSURLSessionConfiguration

val fuel = FuelBuilder().config(NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration).build()
val string = fuel.get(request = { url = "https://publicobject.com/helloworld.txt" }).body.string()

Please note it will throw Exceptions. Make sure you catch it on the production apps.

Fuel requires Java 8 byte code.


R8 / Proguard

Fuel is fully compatible with R8 out of the box and doesn't require adding any extra rules.

If you use Proguard, you may need to add rules for Coroutines, OkHttp and Okio.

If you use the fuel-serialization modules, you may need to add rules for Serialization.

If you use the fuel-moshi modules, you may need to add rules for Moshi and Moshi-Kotlin

Other libraries

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Fuel brought to you by contributors.


Fuel released under the MIT license.

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