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A modern, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application.

Why Superset? | Supported Databases | Installation and Configuration | Release Notes | Get Involved | Contributor Guide | Resources | Organizations Using Superset

Why Superset?

Superset is a modern data exploration and data visualization platform. Superset can replace or augment proprietary business intelligence tools for many teams. Superset integrates well with a variety of data sources.

Superset provides:

Screenshots & Gifs

Video Overview


Large Gallery of Visualizations

Craft Beautiful, Dynamic Dashboards

No-Code Chart Builder

Powerful SQL Editor

Supported Databases

Superset can query data from any SQL-speaking datastore or data engine (Presto, Trino, Athena, and more) that has a Python DB-API driver and a SQLAlchemy dialect.

Here are some of the major database solutions that are supported:

redshift google-biquery snowflake trino presto databricks druid firebolt timescale rockset postgresql mysql mssql-server db2 sqlite sybase mariadb vertica oracle firebird greenplum clickhouse exasol monet-db apache-kylin hologres netezza pinot teradata yugabyte databend starrocks doris oceanbase oceanbase denodo ydb TDengine

A more comprehensive list of supported databases along with the configuration instructions can be found here.

Want to add support for your datastore or data engine? Read more here about the technical requirements.

Installation and Configuration

Try out Superset's quickstart guide or learn about the options for production deployments.

Get Involved

Contributor Guide

Interested in contributing? Check out our to find resources around contributing along with a detailed guide on how to set up a development environment.


Understanding the Superset Points of View

Repo Activity

Performance Stats of apache/superset - Last 28 days


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