TiDB, a distributed SQL database

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TiDB (/’taɪdiːbi:/, "Ti" stands for Titanium) is an open-source, cloud-native, distributed SQL database designed for high availability, horizontal and vertical scalability, strong consistency, and high performance.

Key Features

Quick start

As part of our commitment to open source, we want to reward all GitHub users. In addition to the free tier, you can get up to $2000 in TiDB Cloud Serverless credits for your open-source contributions - Claim here.

  1. Start a TiDB Cluser

    • On Local Playground. To start a local test cluster, please refer to the TiDB quick start guide.

    • On Kubernetes. TiDB can be easily deployed in a self-managed Kubernetes environment or Kubernetes services on public clouds using TiDB Operator. For more details, please refer to the TiDB on Kubernetes quick start guide.

    • Using TiDB Cloud (Recommended). TiDB Cloud offers a fully managed version of TiDB with a free tier, no credit card required, so you can get a free cluster in seconds and start easily: Sign up for TiDB Cloud.

  2. Learn About TiDB SQL: To explore the SQL capabilities of TiDB, refer to the TiDB SQL documentation.

  3. Use MySQL Driver or ORM to Build an App with TiDB with TiDB.

  4. Explore key features, such as data migration, changefeed, vector search, HTAP, disaster recovery, etc.

Need Help?


TiDB architecture

Learn more details about TiDB architecture in our Docs.


TiDB is built on a commitment to open source, and we welcome contributions from everyone. Whether you are interested in improving documentation, fixing bugs, or developing new features, we invite you to shape the future of TiDB.

Active Contributors of pingcap/tidb - Last 28 days


TiDB is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.

See Also


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