auto-pipeline πŸš€

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auto-pipeline is a source code generator that automatically generates pipeline components for your interfaces. It helps keep your project smaller, simpler, and more extensible by leveraging the Chain of Responsibility pattern. πŸ’‘

auto-pipeline is implemented as an annotation-processor, inspired by Google's Auto. ❀️


Quick Start


1. Add Dependencies

for maven project:

        the auto-pipeline annotation processor will generate
          the pipeline classes for the interface.
        annotation processor dependency should be "provided" scope,
          because it's only needed at compile time.

for gradle project:

 * Gradle Kotlin DSL
// the auto-pipeline annotation will be used in your interface type
// the auto-pipeline annotation processor will generate the pipeline classes for the interface.
// use "annotationProcessor" scope because it's only needed at annotation processing time.

 * Gradle Groovy DSL
compileOnly ''
annotationProcessor ''

auto-pipeline has published to maven central, click here to find the latest version.

2. Annotate Your Interface

Let's look at a simple example using a ConfigSource interface:

given an interface named ConfigSource, the ConfigSource has the get() method, input a string as key and output a string as the value. like this:

public interface ConfigSource {
    String get(String key);

say, we want ConfigSource#get() has some extensibility, so we decide to apply the chain of responsibility pattern to it for extensibility.

Now it's auto-pipeline's turn to play a role, we simply add @AutoPipelin to ConfigSource:

public interface ConfigSource {
    String get(String key);

auto-pipeline-processor will auto generate pipeline java files for ConfigSource into subpackage pipeline when compiled:

3. Implement Handlers

We can implement handlers to add functionality to our pipeline:

public class MapConfigSourceHandler implements ConfigSourceHandler {
    private final Map<String, String> map;

    public MapConfigSourceHandler(Map<String, String> map) { = map;

    public String get(String key, ConfigSourceHandlerContext context) {
        String value = map.get(key);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
            return value;
        return context.get(key);

public class SystemConfigSourceHandler implements ConfigSourceHandler {
    public static final SystemConfigSourceHandler INSTANCE = new SystemConfigSourceHandler();

    public String get(String key, ConfigSourceHandlerContext context) {
        String value = System.getProperty(key);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
            return value;
        return context.get(key);

4. Use the Pipeline

Create and use the pipeline by composing handlers:

Map<String, String> mapConfig = new HashMap<String, String>();
mapConfig.put("hello", "world");
ConfigSourceHandler mapConfigSourceHandler = new MapConfigSourceHandler(mapConfig);

ConfigSource pipeline = new ConfigSourcePipeline()

now, we can use the pipeline.get(...) to invoke the chain! πŸŽ‰

// get value "world"
// from mapConfig / mapConfigSourceHandler

// get value "1.8"
// from system properties / SystemConfigSourceHandler

check the runnable test case for details.


For more detailed information and advanced usage, please check out the auto-pipeline documentation.


For more examples and use cases, check out our examples project and its test cases.


Apache License 2.0


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