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What is it?

Instancio is a Java library that automatically creates and populates objects for your unit tests.

Instead of manually setting up test data:

Address address  = new Address();

Person person = new Person();

You can simply do the following:

Person person = Instancio.create(Person.class);

This one-liner returns a fully-populated person, including nested objects and collections.

The object is populated with random data that can be reproduced in case of test failure.

What else can Instancio do?

  1. Create collections of objects:
List<Person> persons = Instancio.ofList(Person.class).size(10).create();
  1. Create streams of objects:
Stream<Person> persons =;
  1. Create generic types:
Pair<List<Foo>, List<Bar>> pairOfLists = Instancio.create(new TypeToken<Pair<List<Foo>, List<Bar>>>() {});
  1. Customise generated values:
Person person = Instancio.of(Person.class)
    .generate(field(Person::getDateOfBirth), gen -> gen.temporal().localDate().past())
    .generate(field(Phone::getAreaCode), gen -> gen.oneOf("604", "778"))
    .generate(field(Phone::getNumber), gen -> gen.text().pattern("#d#d#d-#d#d-#d#d"))
    .subtype(all(AbstractAddress.class), AddressImpl.class)
    .supply(all(LocalDateTime.class), () ->
    .onComplete(all(Person.class), (Person p) -> p.setName(p.getGender() == Gender.MALE ? "John" : "Jane"))
  1. Create reusable templates (Models) of objects:
Model<Person> simpsons = Instancio.of(Person.class)
    .set(field(Person::getLastName), "Simpson")
    .set(field(Address::getCity), "Springfield")
    .generate(field(Person::getAge), gen -> gen.ints().range(40, 50))

Person homer = Instancio.of(simpsons)
    .set(field(Person::getFirstName), "Homer")

Person marge = Instancio.of(simpsons)
    .set(field(Person::getFirstName), "Marge")
  1. Use data feeds for data defined in external sources (e.g. CSV or JSON):
List<Person> person = Instancio.ofList(Person.class)
    .applyFeed(all(Person.class), feed -> feed.ofResource("persons.csv"))
  1. Define custom feeds for reuse across tests:
@Feed.Source(resource = "persons.csv")
interface PersonFeed extends Feed {

  @TemplateSpec("${firstName} ${lastName}")
  FeedSpec<String> fullName();

  @FunctionSpec(params = {"fullName", "dateOfBirth"}, provider = BioProvider.class)
  FeedSpec<String> bio();

  class BioProvider implements FunctionProvider {

    String describePerson(String fullName, LocalDate dateOfBirth) {
      int age = Period.between(dateOfBirth,;
      return String.format("%s is %d years old", fullName, age);

// Usage:
List<Person> person = Instancio.ofList(Person.class)
    .applyFeed(all(Person.class), feed -> feed.of(PersonFeed.class))
  1. Inject arguments into fields and parameters with JUnit 5 (video tutorial):
class ExampleTest {

    private List<String> randomList;

    void example1(@Given String randomSting, @Given(SomeCustomProvider.class) customString) {

    @ValueSource(strings = {"foo", "bar"})
    void example2(String fooOrBar, @Given long randomLong) {
        // ...
  1. Run parameterized tests against many samples of generated inputs:
class ExampleTest {

    @InstancioSource(samples = 1000)
    void example(UUID randomUuid, Foo randomFoo, @Given(BarProvider.class) Bar customBar) {
        // runs the test method 1000 times against generated inputs

Main Features

Getting Started

Maven Coordinates

If you have JUnit 5 on the classpath, use the instancio-junit dependency.


To use Instancio with JUnit 4, TestNG, or standalone, use instancio-core:


[!CAUTION] The org.instancio:instancio artifact on Maven central is an older dependency that should no longer be used.


Feedback and bug reports are greatly appreciated!

Please check the User Guide, previous issues and discussions before creating a new one.


If you like Instancio, please consider supporting its maintenance and development by becoming a sponsor.

A big thank you to the current project sponsors:

Thanks to JetBrains and YourKit for supporting this project with their open source licenses.

JetBrains logo YourKit logo

For Enterprise

Available as part of the Tidelift Subscription

The maintainers of Instancio and thousands of other packages are working with Tidelift to deliver commercial support and maintenance for the open source dependencies you use to build your applications. Save time, reduce risk, and improve code health, while paying the maintainers of the exact dependencies you use. Learn more.


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