Apache Dubbo Project

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Apache Dubbo is an easy-to-use Web and RPC framework that provides multiple language implementations(Java, Go, Python, PHP, Erlang, Rust, Node.js, Web) for communication, service discovery, traffic management, observability, security, tools, and best practices for building enterprise-ready microservices.

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Getting started

Follow the instructions below to learn how to:

Programming with lightweight RPC API

5 minutes step-by-step guide

Dubbo supports building RPC services with only a few lines of code while depending only on a lightweight SDK. The protocol on the wire can be Triple(fully gRPC compatible and HTTP-friendly), Dubbo2(TCP), REST, or any protocol of your choice.

Building a microservice application with Spring Boot

5 minutes step-by-step guide

It's highly recommended to start your microservice application with the Spring Boot Starter dubbo-spring-boot-starter provided by Dubbo. With only a single dependency and yaml file, and optionally a bunch of other useful spring boot starters, you can enable all of the Dubo features like service discovery, observability, tracing, etc.

Next, learn how to deploy, monitor, and manage the traffic of your Dubbo application and cluster.

More Features

Get more details by visiting the links below to get your hands dirty with some well-designed tasks on our website.

Which Dubbo version should I use?

Dubbo3 JDK Dependencies Description
3.3.2 1.8 ~ 21 dependency list - Stable version (active)
- Features
   - Triple - gRPC and cURL compatible.
   - Rest-style programming support.
   - Spring Boot Starters.
3.2.16 1.8 ~ 17 dependency list - Stable version (active)
- Features
  - Out-of-box metrics and tracing support.
  - Threadpool Isolation
  - 30% performance
  - Native Image
3.1.11 1.8 ~ 17 dependency list Stable version (not active)
Dubbo2 JDK Dependencies Description
2.7.23 1.8 dependency list EOL
2.6.x, 2.5.x 1.6 ~ 1.7 EOL


See CONTRIBUTING for details on submitting patches and the contribution workflow.

How does the Dubbo Community collaborate?

The Dubbo Community primarily communicates on GitHub through issues, discussions, and pull requests.

We have also implemented a project board to monitor all the items.

Any essential changes should be discussed on the mailing list before they happen.

Seeking help

If you have questions such as:

Please start a discussion at https://github.com/apache/dubbo/discussions.

However, if you encounter the following situations:

Please open an issue at https://github.com/apache/dubbo/issues.

To ask effective questions, we recommend reading How To Ask Questions The Smart Way first.

Make a Contribution

For more details, please take a look at our guide about how to contribute to Dubbo.

Reporting bugs

Please follow the template for reporting any issues.

Reporting a security vulnerability

Please report security vulnerabilities to us privately.



Apache Dubbo is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.

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