Adminer - Database management in a single PHP file Adminer Editor - Data manipulation for end-users Supports: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, MongoDB, Elasticsearch (plugin), SimpleDB (plugin), Firebird (plugin), ClickHouse (plugin) Requirements: PHP 5.3+ adminer/index.php - Run development version of Adminer editor/index.php - Run development version of Adminer Editor editor/example.php - Example customization plugins/readme.txt - Plugins for Adminer and Adminer Editor adminer/plugin.php - Plugin demo adminer/sqlite.php - Development version of Adminer with SQLite allowed editor/sqlite.php - Development version of Editor with SQLite allowed adminer/designs.php - Development version of Adminer with adminer.css switcher compile.php - Create a single file version lang.php - Update translations tests/katalon.html - Katalon Automation Recorder test suite If downloaded from Git then run: git submodule update --init


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