Develop web applications with 100% JavaScript and web standards. 🚀
RE:DOM is a tiny (2 KB) UI library by Juha Lindstedt and contributors, which adds some useful helpers to create DOM elements and keeping them in sync with the data.
Because RE:DOM is so close to the metal and doesn't use virtual dom, it's actually faster and uses less memory than almost all virtual dom based libraries, including React (benchmark).
It's also easy to create reusable components with RE:DOM.
Another great benefit is, that you can use just pure JavaScript, so no complicated templating languages to learn and hassle with.
Supporting RE:DOM
RE:DOM is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of these awesome backers.
If you'd like to join them, please consider:
# Using npm
npm install redom
# Using Yarn
yarn add redom
To check out live examples and docs, visit RE:DOM.
For questions and support please use community chat.
- NO:DOM (server-side rendering)
- Project generator
- Dev tools for Chrome
- Babel RE:DOM JSX transform
Please make sure to read the Issue Reporting Checklist before opening an issue. Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.
Detailed changes for each release are documented in the release notes.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Thank you to all the people who already contributed to RE:DOM!
Copyright (c) 2016-present, Juha Lindstedt and contributors