Ksoup: Kotlin Multiplatform HTML & XML Parser

Ksoup is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for working with real-world HTML and XML. It's a port of the renowned Java library, jsoup, and offers an easy-to-use API for URL fetching, data parsing, extraction, and manipulation using DOM and CSS selectors.

Kotlin Apache-2.0 Maven Central

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Ksoup implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification, parsing HTML to the same DOM as modern browsers do, but with support for Android, JVM, and native platforms.


Ksoup is adept at handling all varieties of HTML found in the wild.

Getting started

Ksoup is published on Maven Central

Include the dependency in commonMain. Latest version Maven Central

Ksoup published in four variants. Pick the one that suits your needs and start building!

  1. Lightweight variant: Use this if you only need to parse HTML from a string.

  2. This variant use kotlinx-io for I/O and Ktor 3 for networking

    // Ksoup.parseFile, Ksoup.parseSource
     // Optional: Include only if you need to use network request functions such as
     // Ksoup.parseGetRequest, Ksoup.parseSubmitRequest, and Ksoup.parsePostRequest
  3. This variant use korlibs-io for I/O and networking

    // Ksoup.parseFile, Ksoup.parseStream
     // Optional: Include only if you need to use network request functions such as
     // Ksoup.parseGetRequest, Ksoup.parseSubmitRequest, and Ksoup.parsePostRequest
  4. This variant use kotlinx-io for I/O and Ktor 2 for networking

    // Ksoup.parseFile, Ksoup.parseSource
     // Optional: Include only if you need to use network request functions such as
     // Ksoup.parseGetRequest, Ksoup.parseSubmitRequest, and Ksoup.parsePostRequest
  5. This variant use okio for I/O and Ktor 2 for networking

     // Optional: Include only if you need to use network request functions such as
     // Ksoup.parseGetRequest, Ksoup.parseSubmitRequest, and Ksoup.parsePostRequest

Ksoup supports Charsets

Parsing HTML from a String with Ksoup

For API documentation you can check Jsoup. Most of the APIs work without any changes.

val html = "<html><head><title>One</title></head><body>Two</body></html>"
val doc: Document = Ksoup.parse(html = html)

println("title => ${doc.title()}") // One
println("bodyText => ${doc.body().text()}") // Two

This snippet demonstrates how to use Ksoup.parse for parsing an HTML string and extracting the title and body text.

Fetching and Parsing HTML from a URL using Ksoup

//Please note that the com.fleeksoft.ksoup:ksoup-network library is required for Ksoup.parseGetRequest.
val doc: Document = Ksoup.parseGetRequest(url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/") // suspend function
// or
val doc: Document = Ksoup.parseGetRequestBlocking(url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/")

println("title: ${doc.title()}")
val headlines: Elements = doc.select("#mp-itn b a")

headlines.forEach { headline: Element ->
    val headlineTitle = headline.attr("title")
    val headlineLink = headline.absUrl("href")

    println("$headlineTitle => $headlineLink")

Parsing XML

    val doc: Document = Ksoup.parse(xml, parser = Parser = Parser.xmlParser())

Parsing Metadata from Website

//Please note that the com.fleeksoft.ksoup:ksoup-network library is required for Ksoup.parseGetRequest.
val doc: Document = Ksoup.parseGetRequest(url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/") // suspend function
val metadata: Metadata = Ksoup.parseMetaData(element = doc) // suspend function
// or
val metadata: Metadata = Ksoup.parseMetaData(html = HTML)

println("title: ${metadata.title}")
println("description: ${metadata.description}")
println("ogTitle: ${metadata.ogTitle}")
println("ogDescription: ${metadata.ogDescription}")
println("twitterTitle: ${metadata.twitterTitle}")
println("twitterDescription: ${metadata.twitterDescription}")
// Check com.fleeksoft.ksoup.model.MetaData for more fields

In this example, Ksoup.parseGetRequest fetches and parses HTML content from Wikipedia, extracting and printing news headlines and their corresponding links.

Ksoup Public functions

Ksoup I/O Public functions

Ksoup Network Public functions

For further documentation, please check here: Jsoup

Ksoup vs. Jsoup Benchmarks: Parsing & Selecting 448KB HTML File test.tx

Ksoup vs Jsoup

Open source

Ksoup is an open source project, a Kotlin Multiplatform port of jsoup, distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. The source code of Ksoup is available on GitHub.

Development and Support

For questions about usage and general inquiries, please refer to GitHub Discussions.

If you wish to contribute, please read the Contributing Guidelines.

To report any issues, visit our GitHub issues, Please ensure to check for duplicates before submitting a new issue.


Copyright 2024 FLEEK SOFT

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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