Text describing the image


jnv is designed for navigating JSON, offering an interactive JSON viewer and jq filter editor.


Inspired by jid and jiq.


[!IMPORTANT] Starting from v0.3.0, the transition from libjq Rust binding j9 to jq clone jaq was made.

This change eliminated the need to manage C-related dependencies that include external tools like autoconf, thus simplifying the build process. However, please note that some filters are not yet supported by jaq. For more details, refer to GitHub issue #24.

Please continue to provide feedback regarding this transition.



See here for more info.

brew install jnv

Or install via Homebrew Tap:

brew install ynqa/tap/jnv


See here for more info.

sudo port install jnv

Nix / NixOS

See package entry on search.nixos.org for more info.

nix-shell -p jnv


See here for more info.

pixi global install jnv
# or
cat data.json | pixi exec jnv
# or
conda install jnv


Build (In the near future, the image will be available on something of registries)

docker build -t jnv .

And Run (The following commad is just an example. Please modify the path to the file you want to mount)

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/debug.json:/jnv/debug.json jnv /jnv/debug.json


cargo install jnv


cat data.json | jnv
# or
jnv data.json


Key Action
Ctrl + C Exit
Ctrl + Q Copy jq filter to clipboard
Ctrl + O Copy JSON to clipboard
Shift + ↑, Shift + ↓ Switch to another mode

Editor mode (default)

Key Action
Tab Enter suggestion
Move cursor left
Move cursor right
Ctrl + A Move cursor to line start
Ctrl + E Move cursor to line end
Backspace Delete character before cursor
Ctrl + U Clear entire line
Alt + B Move the cursor to the previous nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
Alt + F Move the cursor to the next nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
Ctrl + W Erase to the previous nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])
Alt + D Erase to the next nearest character within set(.,|,(,),[,])

Suggestion in Editor (after Tab)

Key Action
Tab, Select next suggestion
Select previous suggestion
Others Return to editor

JSON viewer mode

Key Action
, Ctrl + K Move up
, Ctrl + J Move down
Ctrl + H Move to last entry
Ctrl + L Move to first entry
Enter Toggle fold
Ctrl + P Expand all
Ctrl + N Collapse all


SON navigator and interactive filter leveraging jq

Usage: jnv [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

- Read from a file:
        jnv data.json

- Read from standard input:
        cat data.json | jnv

  [INPUT]  Optional path to a JSON file. If not provided or if "-" is specified, reads from standard input

  -e, --edit-mode <EDIT_MODE>      Edit mode for the interface ('insert' or 'overwrite'). [default: insert]
  -i, --indent <INDENT>            Number of spaces used for indentation in the visualized data. [default: 2]
  -n, --no-hint                    Disables the display of hints.
      --max-streams <MAX_STREAMS>  Maximum number of JSON streams to display
      --suggestions <SUGGESTIONS>  Number of autocomplete suggestions to show [default: 3]
  -h, --help                       Print help (see more with '--help')
  -V, --version                    Print version

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