phpgeo - A Simple Geo Library for PHP
phpgeo provides abstractions to geographical coordinates (including support for different ellipsoids) and allows you to calculate geographical distances between coordinates with high precision.
Minimum required PHP version is 8.2. phpgeo is tested up to PHP 8.4.
New features will only go into the main branch and won't be backported.
It's possible to install older versions of phpgeo for older PHP versions. Please refer to the following table for the compatibility matrix:
PHP Version | phpgeo Version | Support Status | Composer Install |
8.4 | 6.x | ✅ active | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo |
8.3 | 6.x | ✅ active | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo |
8.2 | 6.x | ✅ active | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo |
8.1 | 5.x | ⚠️ security only | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^5.0 |
8.0 | 4.x | ⚠️ security only | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^4.0 |
7.4 | 4.x | ⚠️ security only | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^4.0 |
7.3 | 4.x | ⚠️ security only | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^4.0 |
7.2 | 3.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^3.0 |
7.1 | 2.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^2.0 |
7.0 | 2.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^2.0 |
5.6 | 1.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^1.0 |
5.5 | 1.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^1.0 |
5.4 | 1.x | ❌ end of life | composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^1.0 |
The documentation is available at
Using Composer, just add it to your composer.json
by running:
composer require mjaschen/phpgeo
Update the version constraint in the project's composer.json
run composer update
or require the new version by running:
composer require mjaschen/phpgeo:^6.0
Upgrading to 6.x
phpgeo has some breaking changes in the 6.x release line. Please refer to the following list to see what has changed and what you need to do to upgrade your code.
Change | Description | Action |
Line , Polygon , and Polyline classes are now implementing a new interface |
GeometryLinesInterface provides the getSegments() method. |
There's no need to change anything if you don't extend those classes. |
getBounds() method was added to GeometryInterface |
Ensure your class has a getBounds() method if you implement GeometryInterface |
removed support for PHP 8.1 | Older PHP versions are no longer supported. | Upgrade to at least PHP 8.2 or keep using phpgeo 5.x |
Upgrading to 5.x
phpgeo has some breaking changes in the 5.x release line. Please refer to the following list to see what has changed and what you need to do to upgrade your code.
Change | Description | Action |
setPoint1() and setPoint2() methods removed from Line |
The Line class now is immutable. |
Use the constructor to create a new instance of Line . |
removed support for PHP 7.3, 7.4 and 8.0 | Older PHP versions are no longer supported. | Upgrade to at least PHP 8.1. |
Starting with version 2.0.0 phpgeo is licensed under the MIT license. Older versions were GPL-licensed.
Info: Please visit the documentation site for complete and up-to-date documentation with many examples!
phpgeo provides the following features (follow the links for examples):
- abstractions of several geometry objects (coordinate/point, line, polyline/GPS track, polygon
- support for different ellipsoids, e.g. WGS-84
- length/distance/perimeter calculations with different implementations (Haversine, Vincenty)
- Geofence calculation, i.e. answering the question "Is this point contained in that area/polygon?" and other intersection checks between different geometries
- formatting and output of geometry objects
(GeoJSON, nice strings, e. g.
18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″
) - calculation of bearing angle between two points (spherical or with Vincenty's formula)
- calculation of a destination point for a given starting point, bearing angle, and distance (spherical or with Vincenty's formula)
- calculation of the perpendicular distance between a point and a line
- calculation of the Cardinal Distances between two points
- getting segments of a polyline /polygon,
- reversing direction of polyline/polygon
This list is incomplete, please visit the documentation site for the full monty of documentation and examples!
Distance between two coordinates (Vincenty's Formula)
Use the calculator object directly:
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit
$calculator = new Vincenty();
echo $calculator->getDistance($coordinate1, $coordinate2); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)
or call the getDistance()
method of a Coordinate object by injecting a calculator object:
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
$coordinate1 = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
$coordinate2 = new Coordinate(20.709722, -156.253333); // Haleakala Summit
echo $coordinate1->getDistance($coordinate2, new Vincenty()); // returns 128130.850 (meters; ≈128 kilometers)
Simplifying a polyline
Polylines can be simplified to save storage space or bandwidth. Simplification is done with the Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (AKA Douglas-Peucker algorithm).
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polyline;
use Location\Distance\Vincenty;
$polyline = new Polyline();
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(10.0, 10.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(20.0, 20.0));
$polyline->addPoint(new Coordinate(30.0, 10.0));
$processor = new Simplify($polyline);
// remove all points which perpendicular distance is less
// than 1500 km from the surrounding points.
$simplified = $processor->simplify(1500000);
// simplified is the polyline without the second point (which
// perpendicular distance is ~1046 km and therefore below
// the simplification threshold)
Polygon contains a point (e.g. "GPS geofence")
phpgeo has a polygon implementation which can be used to determinate if a point is contained in it or not.
A polygon consists of at least three points. Points are instances of the Coordinate
Warning: The calculation gives wrong results if the polygons has points on both sides of the 180/-180 degrees meridian.
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Polygon;
$geofence = new Polygon();
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.085870,-77.016261));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.086373,-77.033813));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.102823,-77.030938));
$geofence->addPoint(new Coordinate(-12.098669,-77.006476));
$outsidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.075452, -76.985079);
$insidePoint = new Coordinate(-12.092542, -77.021540);
var_dump($geofence->contains($outsidePoint)); // returns bool(false) the point is outside the polygon
var_dump($geofence->contains($insidePoint)); // returns bool(true) the point is inside the polygon
Formatted output of coordinates
You can format a coordinate in different styles.
Decimal Degrees
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DecimalDegrees;
$coordinate = new Coordinate(19.820664, -155.468066); // Mauna Kea Summit
echo $coordinate->format(new DecimalDegrees());
Degrees/Minutes/Seconds (DMS)
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\DMS;
$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA
$formatter = new DMS();
echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54′ 41″ -155° 40′ 42″
$formatter->setSeparator(", ")
echo $coordinate->format($formatter); // 18° 54' 41" N, 155° 40' 42" W
use Location\Coordinate;
use Location\Formatter\Coordinate\GeoJSON;
$coordinate = new Coordinate(18.911306, -155.678268); // South Point, HI, USA
echo $coordinate->format(new GeoJSON()); // { "type" : "point" , "coordinates" : [ -155.678268, 18.911306 ] }
Run Tests
Before submitting a pull request, please be sure to run all checks and tests and ensure everything is green.
- lint PHP files for syntax errors:
composer ci:lint
- run static analysis with [Psalm][] and report errors:
composer ci:psalm
- run unit tests with PHPUnit:
composer ci:tests
To run all checks and tests at once, just use composer ci
Of course, it's possible to use the test runners directly, e.g. for PHPUnit:
Running GitHub Actions locally
It's possible to run the whole CI test matrix locally with act:
act --rm -P ubuntu-latest=shivammathur/node:latest
- Marcus Jaschen and all contributors
- Chris Veness - JavaScript implementation of the Vincenty formula for distance calculation
- Ersts,P.J., Horning, N., and M. Polin[Internet] Perpendicular Distance Calculator(version 1.2.2) Documentation. American Museum of Natural History, Center for Biodiversity and Conservation. Available from Accessed on 2013-07-07.
- W. Randolph Franklin, PNPOLY - Point Inclusion in Polygon Test Documentation