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What is KOIN? ✨

Koin is a pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers, developed by Kotzilla and open-source contributors.

Koin is a DSL, a light container and a pragmatic API

Setup & Current Version 📦

Follow the dedicated setup page to setup Koin for your project. Additionally, you may need to check the last changes for Maven Central packages.

Here are the current available Koin project versions:

Latest News & Resources 🌐

Koin Tutorials 🚀

You can find here tutorials to help you learn and get started with Koin framework:

Community 💬

Contributing 🛠

Want to help or share a proposal about Koin? problem on a specific feature?

Additional readings about basic setup: https://github.com/InsertKoinIO/koin/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.adoc


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