SMARTY DISCLAIMER: Subject to the terms of the associated license agreement, this software is freely available for your use. This software is FREE, AS IN PUPPIES, and is a gift. Enjoy your new responsibility. This means that while we may consider enhancement requests, we may or may not choose to entertain requests at our sole and absolute discretion.

GoConvey is awesome Go testing

Build Status GoDoc

Welcome to GoConvey, a yummy Go testing tool for gophers. Works with go test. Use it in the terminal or browser according to your viewing pleasure.

GoConvey supports the current versions of Go (see the official Go release policy). Currently this means Go 1.16 and Go 1.17 are supported.


You can ask questions about how to use GoConvey on StackOverflow. Use the tags go and goconvey.



$ go install

Quick start

Make a test, for example:

package package_name

import (
    . ""

func TestSpec(t *testing.T) {

	// Only pass t into top-level Convey calls
	Convey("Given some integer with a starting value", t, func() {
		x := 1

		Convey("When the integer is incremented", func() {

			Convey("The value should be greater by one", func() {
				So(x, ShouldEqual, 2)

In the browser

Start up the GoConvey web server at your project's path:

$ $GOPATH/bin/goconvey

Then watch the test results display in your browser at:


If the browser doesn't open automatically, please click http://localhost:8080 to open manually.

There you have it. As long as GoConvey is running, test results will automatically update in your browser window.

The design is responsive, so you can squish the browser real tight if you need to put it beside your code.

The web UI supports traditional Go tests, so use it even if you're not using GoConvey tests.

In the terminal

Just do what you do best:

$ go test

Or if you want the output to include the story:

$ go test -v


Check out the


GoConvey is brought to you by SmartyStreets and several contributors (Thanks!).


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