Object-Oriented S3 Adapter for Java
More details are here: s3.jcabi.com.
Also, read this blog post: Object-Oriented Java Adapter of Amazon S3 SDK.
It's an object layer on top of Amazon S3 SDK:
import com.jcabi.s3.Bucket;
import com.jcabi.s3.Ocket;
import com.jcabi.s3.Region;
import com.jcabi.s3.cached.CdRegion;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Region region = new CdRegion(
new Region.Simple("key", "secret")
Bucket bucket = region.bucket("my.example.com");
Ocket.Text ocket = new Ocket.Text(bucket.ocket("test.txt"));
String content = ocket.read();
ocket.write("hello, world!");
It is highly recommended to use CdRegion
to avoid multiple duplicate
reads from the same S3 object.
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