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Dash is the most downloaded, trusted Python framework for building ML & data science web apps.

Built on top of Plotly.js, React and Flask, Dash ties modern UI elements like dropdowns, sliders, and graphs directly to your analytical Python code. Read our tutorial (proudly crafted ❤️ with Dash itself).

Maintained by Plotly

Dash App Examples

Dash App Description
Sample Dash App Here’s a simple example of a Dash App that ties a Dropdown to a Plotly Graph. As the user selects a value in the Dropdown, the application code dynamically exports data from Google Finance into a Pandas DataFrame. This app was written in just 43 lines of code (view the source).
Crossfiltering Dash App Dash app code is declarative and reactive, which makes it easy to build complex apps that contain many interactive elements. Here’s an example with 5 inputs, 3 outputs, and cross filtering. This app was composed in just 160 lines of code, all of which were Python.
Dash App with Mapbox map showing walmart store openings Dash uses Plotly.js for charting. About 50 chart types are supported, including maps.
Financial report Dash isn't just for dashboards. You have full control over the look and feel of your applications. Here's a Dash App that's styled to look like a PDF report.

To learn more about Dash, read the extensive announcement letter or jump in with the user guide.

Dash OSS & Dash Enterprise

With Dash Open Source, Dash apps run on your local laptop or workstation, but cannot be easily accessed by others in your organization.

Scale up with Dash Enterprise when your Dash app is ready for department or company-wide consumption. Or, launch your initiative with Dash Enterprise from the start to unlock developer productivity gains and hands-on acceleration from Plotly's team.

ML Ops Features: A one-stop shop for ML Ops: Horizontally scalable hosting, deployment, and authentication for your Dash apps. No IT or DevOps required.

Low-Code Features: Low-code Dash app capabilities that supercharge developer productivity.

Enterprise AI Features: Everything that your data science team needs to rapidly deliver AI/ML research and business initiatives.

See https://plotly.com/contact-us/ to get in touch.

Dash Enterprise

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