Meet detekt, a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. Visit the project website for installation guides, rule descriptions, configuration options and more.
- Code smell analysis for your Kotlin projects.
- Highly configurable rule sets.
- Generate baselines to suppress existing issues for legacy projects while making sure no new issues are introduced.
- Suppress issues in source files using
annotations. - Support for different report formats: HTML, Markdown, SARIF, XML (Checkstyle) and custom reports.
- Extend detekt with custom rule sets and reports.
- Complexity reports based on lines of code, cyclomatic complexity and number of code smells.
- First party integration with Gradle with our Gradle plugin.
- A community of third party plugins that adds more rules and features to detekt.
- Changelog and migration guides
- Available CLI options
- Rule set and rule descriptions
- Writing custom rules and extending detekt
- Suppressing issues in code
- Suppressing issues via baseline file
- Configuring detekt
- Sample Gradle integrations examples:
Quick Start ...
with the command-line interface
curl -sSLO[version]/detekt-cli-[version]-all.jar
java -jar detekt-cli-[version]-all.jar --help
You can find other ways to install detekt here
with Gradle
plugins {
id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "[version]"
repositories {
detekt {
buildUponDefaultConfig = true // preconfigure defaults
allRules = false // activate all available (even unstable) rules.
config.setFrom("$projectDir/config/detekt.yml") // point to your custom config defining rules to run, overwriting default behavior
baseline = file("$projectDir/config/baseline.xml") // a way of suppressing issues before introducing detekt
tasks.withType<Detekt>().configureEach {
reports {
html.required.set(true) // observe findings in your browser with structure and code snippets
xml.required.set(true) // checkstyle like format mainly for integrations like Jenkins
sarif.required.set(true) // standardized SARIF format ( to support integrations with GitHub Code Scanning
md.required.set(true) // simple Markdown format
// Groovy DSL
tasks.withType(Detekt).configureEach {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
tasks.withType(DetektCreateBaselineTask).configureEach {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
// or
// Kotlin DSL
tasks.withType<Detekt>().configureEach {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
tasks.withType<DetektCreateBaselineTask>().configureEach {
jvmTarget = "1.8"
See maven central for releases and sonatype for snapshots.
If you want to use a SNAPSHOT version, you can find more info on this documentation page.
Gradle 6.8.3+ is the minimum requirement. However, the recommended versions together with the other tools recommended versions are:
Detekt Version | Gradle | Kotlin | AGP | Java Target Level | JDK Max Version |
1.23.8 |
8.12.1 |
2.0.21 |
8.8.1 |
1.8 |
21 |
The list of recommended versions for previous detekt version is listed here.
Adding more rule sets
detekt itself provides a wrapper over ktlint as the formatting
rule set
which can be easily added to the Gradle configuration:
dependencies {
Similarly, there are extra rule sets available for detekt from detekt:
dependencies {
For more info visit the Detekt Marketplace.
Likewise custom extensions can be added to detekt.
Thanks to all the people who contributed to detekt!
As mentioned in...
- To Detekt 2.0, and beyond!
- droidcon London 2021 - Detekt - State of the Union
- KotlinConf 2018 - Safe(r) Kotlin Code - Static Analysis Tools for Kotlin by Marvin Ramin
- droidcon NYC 2018 - Static Code Analysis For Kotlin
- Kotlin on Code Quality Tools - by @vanniktech Slides Presentation
- Integrating detekt in the Workflow
- Check the quality of Kotlin code
- Kotlin Static Analysis Tools
- Are you still smelling it?: A comparative study between Java and Kotlin language by Flauzino et al.
- Preventing software antipatterns with Detekt
- IntelliJ integration
- SonarQube integration
- TCA(Tencent CodeAnalysis) integration
- Codacy
- Gradle plugin that configures Error Prone, Checkstyle, PMD, CPD, Lint, Detekt & Ktlint
- Violations Lib is a Java library for parsing report files like static code analysis.
- sputnik is a free tool for static code review and provides support for detekt
- Detekt Maven plugin that wraps the Detekt CLI
- Detekt Bazel plugin that wraps the Detekt CLI
- Gradle plugin that helps facilitate GitHub PR checking and automatic commenting of violations
- Codefactor
- GitHub Action: Detekt All
- GitHub Action: Setup detekt
Custom rules and reports from 3rd parties can be found on our Detekt Marketplace.
- JetBrains - Creating IntelliJ + Kotlin
- PMD & Checkstyle & ktlint - Ideas for threshold values and style rules