
Telegram PHP MySQL License

📖 Introduction

Xboard is a modern panel system built on Laravel 11, focusing on providing a clean and efficient user experience.

✨ Features

🚀 Quick Start

git clone -b compose --depth 1 https://github.com/cedar2025/Xboard && \
cd Xboard && \
docker compose run -it --rm \
    -e ENABLE_SQLITE=true \
    -e ENABLE_REDIS=true \
    -e ADMIN_ACCOUNT=admin@demo.com \
    web php artisan xboard:install && \
docker compose up -d

After installation, visit: http://SERVER_IP:7001
⚠️ Make sure to save the admin credentials shown during installation

📖 Documentation

🔄 Upgrade Notice

🚨 Important: This version involves significant changes. Please strictly follow the upgrade documentation and backup your database before upgrading. Note that upgrading and migration are different processes, do not confuse them.

Deployment Guides

Migration Guides

🛠️ Tech Stack

📷 Preview

Admin Preview

User Preview

⚠️ Disclaimer

This project is for learning and communication purposes only. Users are responsible for any consequences of using this project.

🌟 Maintenance Notice

This project is currently under light maintenance. We will:

However, new feature development may be limited.

🔔 Important Notes

  1. Restart required after modifying admin path:
docker compose restart
  1. For aaPanel installations, restart the Octane daemon process

🤝 Contributing

Issues and Pull Requests are welcome to help improve the project.

📈 Star History

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